Foster the People’s new album, Supermodel, was released two days ago. It’s their sophomore effort, coming three years after their debut Torches took them from indie sweethearts to overplayed rock stars in about the span of a month during the summer of 2011. That naturally puts a lot of pressure on this album to be […]

The other day I was walking down the street, when I overheard two young girls who were walking in front of me, talking about boys. “So do you like Hudson, or Brannan more?” “Hudson, I think.” “Really?! I like Brannan so much more.” Their voices had the upturned lilt of teenage conversation, that affectation that […]

Last week’s publicized March 6th deposition of Justin Bieber (who was being questioned about an assault case involving his bodyguard and a photographer) went viral, collecting millions of views. This was hot on the heels of his Miami antics, after which he was charged with a festival of misdemeanors, which, in turn, was hot on […]

In a few words, Wes Anderson’s eighth and most recent film, The Grand Budapest Hotel, is funny, beautiful, quick, clever, star-studded, and strange. It’s the same description easily applied to any of his previous works, and also the standard veil for a strong undertone of sadness Anderson places at the center of the film. Following […]

Bay Area radio station 105.7 has been playing Nelly’s 2002 song “Hot in Herre” nonstop since 3 PM on Friday. And because we ask the important questions here at Thelma, we wanted to know which songs we wouldn’t mind listening to for hours on end. 1) Hot in Herre – Nelly Why deviate from something […]